Thoughts on Wizchan/Wizardchan? (37)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-05 15:10 ID:pVhKCSWf [Del]

Wizchan is the imageboard where (hardcore) virgins talk and hang out. What world2ch thinks of it? This one is barely mentioned at all.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-05 21:12 ID:pwXLZ/dI [Del]

Progrider is full of nigger virgins.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-06 02:15 ID:L/GEV89k [Del]

Checked it out. I hate to use that word, but it is one place that can definitely be described as "toxic". The trouble is, the more you circle-jerk about the world being a cruel and evil place, the more you'll feel helpless and victimized and the more you'll become a target for those who prey on weakness. It reminds me a lot of /r9k/, where sheltered 14 year old dominate discussion based on highschool social norms.

These guys should abandon the board and instead find places where they can relax and have fun without having to think about the normalfag world. It's not the being a virgin that is so bad, it is getting bombarded with messages telling you you are a piece of shit for it.

Life is a short trip, you may as well make the most of rather than letting the culture tell you you are bad and worthless and must stay in a fog of meek depression forever. Loneliness isn't a real thing - it's the feeling of being outcasted that hurts people. If you can find a way to define yourself as a human being beyond social norms, you'll find that being alone isn't so bad.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-09 19:04 ID:9u22YVJ+ [Del]


>If you can find a way to define yourself as a human being beyond social norms

OK, but how do I do that?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-11 22:49 ID:5l865Otb [Del]

Should have been taken down on dzy one.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-09 14:31 ID:oi92Farv [Del]

So now Wizchan have their own textboard at (please don't disturb them), mainly to replace [Feels] because the responsive as fuck /meta/ (equivalent of 4chan's /q/) hate [Feels]. And /meta/ is still angry as fuck (because of other things, they are very insistent about the rules).


7 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-09 16:46 ID:ENEDovu5 [Del]

It doesn't have pseud0ch as the default theme so it's shit.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-14 10:19 ID:RfNK34Pq [Del]

Get fucked.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-15 16:01 ID:OjDAZe1o [Del]

So is your anus lmao

10 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-16 06:58 ID:Heaven [Del]

Progrider IS shit though. It's the shittiest textboard of all.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-16 14:39 ID:8Zrze0Bd [Del]


>circle-jerk about the world being a cruel and evil place

Are you implying that it isn't?

12 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-16 20:08 ID:Heaven [Del]

just think of the million man march but each one of them is a virgin, now take a way 999,990 and you have the average progrider user.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-16 22:59 ID:F8OD0sxb [Del]

Seems like you've never been to 4ct's textboards.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-17 03:41 ID:Heaven [Del]

4Ct and this textreddit are far worse.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-17 05:33 ID:Heaven [Del]

Wizardfags are the worst of the bunch, incapable of objectivity, obsessed with their high-school outlook on life, the very essence of a "normie", just failed in every aspect. Cliquishness and willful ignorance are among the most common and unremarkable traits found in humans. No amount of irony can cover how staid, boring, monothematic they are. You could find more variety and intelligence in a rural bar in the midwestern US.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-17 11:16 ID:Heaven [Del]

Is that founded on a legitimate experience with wizards, or is it something you pulled out of your ass because you find people who don't fit into your normie picturesque worldview to be automatically garbage to you?

17 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-17 12:26 ID:Heaven [Del]

Nope, you just can't take being called out as niggers, 4ct boards doesn't have niggers. world2ch doesn't have niggers, so please leave and never come back.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-17 13:48 ID:Heaven [Del]


progrider and its nigger shittwitters are indeed worse

19 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-17 14:16 ID:Heaven [Del]

If i ever had a women shit it would look like a progrider thread, full of niggers.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-17 14:21 ID:F8OD0sxb [Del]

Don't be a retard, >>10 said progrider was shit, >>13,14 said there were worse textboards. It has nothing to do with being niggers.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-17 16:17 ID:JKV/PLVz [Del]

You don't be a nigger, it has everything to do with being a nigger, weather its nigger boards like progrider or whatever board you care to fucking name, don't come here and play your nigger games and try and start a war you can never finish.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-17 18:27 ID:ZYTC0ZzF [Del]

the progniggers should stay out coz ya not welcome

23 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-17 20:33 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>22 The duds have it, from now on progrider will now be name prognigger.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-17 22:33 ID:oPZaVOTp [Del]

niggers did it

25 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-18 11:01 ID:Heaven [Del]

Can't we all just get along?

26 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-18 12:35 ID:Heaven [Del]

Would you all niggers, whiteys and shitskins please shut the fuck up. Nobody cares about your interboard sex affairs.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-18 13:41 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>26 the progniggers do.

28 Post deleted by moderator.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-18 19:41 ID:Heaven [Del]

that progrider board is so fucking shit , take a look at all the threads 2 or 3 words per post, shitty niggers can't type.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-18 19:49 ID:Heaven [Del]


Progrider has always been shit you fucking autistic faggot when did you get here yesterday?

31 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-18 20:59 ID:Heaven [Del]

Random Progrider Thread:

Rape is OK. Pedophilia is OK. Homosexuals and trannies are mentally ill and need to be locked up. I have an 8 inch dick. Girls love my superior sexy skills sex dick vagina I make them orgasm harder than your mom.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-19 15:35 ID:Heaven [Del]

0037, could you add a wordfilter that turns 'progrider' into 'pro-abortion'?

33 Name: Anonymous : 2015-10-19 20:28 ID:Heaven [Del]

Make the wordfilter "progrider" to "prognigger".

34 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-09 12:08 ID:Heaven [Del]

Yeah but they know how to copy and paste, which is basically all the sights niggers do.

35 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-21 16:54 ID:cKUgNA9p [Del]

Here's the problem, OP. The Japanese ethos was warped forever by the atomic bomb attacks during WWII. Millions of Japanese men, women, and children were forced to come to terms with the idea of an overwhelmingly powerful entity outside of their control that could wipe them out of existence without warning using unspeakable weapons. They did this, for the most part, by exploring the idea in fiction. Godzilla is one example. Anime is another. If the United States of America were to deploy nuclear weaponry against Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and France, chances are the same thing would happen again: More Godzillas, and more anime. Do you think the world can really handle six animes? In the 1980's, United States President Ronald Reagan developed an idea known as "Mutually-Assured Destruction" (MAD). This philosophy stated that war with Russia would not happen, because there was no way to wage it without both countries being destroyed. I see this same situation today. We cannot nuke more countries for fear of mutually assured destruction when they create more anime. Thank you for your time.

36 Name: Nothing of value : 2015-11-21 19:12 ID:vFTXnxhF [Del]

I'd just like to interject for a moment. You are talking about "hard war"(te term hard war I pulled direcly out of my anus, the reall term whould be conventional war), a contry can be defeated allso by proxy war and soft war, and many more ways... proxy war is to destory the resources and power of the contry and allso to be the middel man in the war. soft war is when you kill a contry from inside out, like rodisa and kulture marxism -witch is promoted in the west by kike and chines. Yes, chines are promoting degnerat values just as much as the kike are doing to the west. Maybe kike 60% and chines 40%. But the chines are much better at hidding behind the curtion then the kike ever where. United States President Ronald Reagan Was A Kike Sucking Fagot And Made The America To A Biger Shithole, they should never have opened the American border in the year 1901 for south europe and east europe. Thank you NOY for your time.

37 Name: Anonymous : 2016-01-26 02:16 ID:MMm+H23e [Del]

Censoship on wiz, mods are scammers

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