Goodbye (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-28 22:43 ID:Heaven [Del]

2 months time this board will be dead, every thread will be about RedCream, say goodbye now... like me.

List of boards killed by RedCream

  1. World4ch
  2. Tablecat
  3. SAoVQ
  4. Progrider
  5. world2ch (R.I.P. 28 May 2015)

List of boards (RedCream is banned or mocked)

  1. TinyChan (mocked)
  2. 4-ch (mocked)
  3. World4ct (banned)
  4. Lambda Frogs (banned)
  5. otakutalk (?)
  6. FrozenBBS (banned)
  7. 8chan (?)
  8. Wizardchan (?)
  9. Milkrib4k's World5ch (banned)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-29 00:14 ID:2JtAvx1Y [Del]

Keep your whining to the designated thread, please.

3 Name: RedCream : 2015-05-29 12:35 ID:ktp+1koO [Del]


This is an absurd amount of pathetic, baby-like crying and whining. Please delete this thread to remove all the crying and whining you have done from this website soa that better roals may be admitted whilst discussions take place.

4 Name: RedCream : 2015-05-29 12:40 ID:ktp+1koO [Del]

At this time, I put foarth the call to intrepid rappers out there who can put into place a set of lyrics to the proapoased hit song:


Board killa, yeah!

I got my black keyboard on
I got my black display on
I got my typin' fingas primed
This shit's been too long
I got my 'Cream memes dusted off
I got my roals admitted rough
I'm 'bout to bust some memes off
I'm 'bout to dust some anons off

5 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-29 17:57 ID:zEJpR2Xs [Del]

no stay!

6 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-29 22:42 ID:mu4qNiKP [Del]

Yep time to leave, even the fake Redcreams like >>3,4 will kill this board.

7 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2015-05-30 02:33 ID:JN7LioE4 [Del]

The bar here is set so low it's presently accessible through a hatch in the floor of a steam tunnel beneath subbasement 3. With that in mind, Redcream isn't the worst. Awful, but not the worst.

8 Name: Admin of Lambda Frogs : 2015-05-30 02:54 ID:Ja7h00jo [Del]

Lambda Frogs doesn't ban users, RedCream-type posts will just get deleted(if vulgar/racist/extremist) or moved.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-30 06:04 ID:AWLXBnvA [Del]

Please tell me I'm one of the worst, I need some acknowledgment in my life.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-30 08:30 ID:F1twSGNm [Del]

I would rather have this site full of RedCream than see another post of that lambda faggot shamelessly promoting his shitty website.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-30 10:02 ID:igC5HKBw [Del]

Actually thats one of my users. Sorry.

12 Name: RedCream : 2015-05-30 15:35 ID:jua8m3MC [Del]

I can fill this site full of red cream, if you knao what I mean, >>10 -kun. I admit that roal. In return I ask that you not smoak a boal.

I am still waiting for the proper lyrics foar the rap hit:


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