What are you most memorable internet moments from a personal perspective? (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-03-14 13:54 ID:oroS3E5r [Del]

Just spent a jarring amount of time reading this and several other publications detailing the life and events of yesteryear. The thing I find most interesting is how you folks were at the forefront of the development of the internet community landscape.

It seems like "history" defining moments were so rapidly presenting themselves in succession within a small time frame which must have been interesting despite the visual setbacks. My youth on the internet has been spent mostly playing game and browsing geocities than curiously navigating the web and adamantly exploring virtual communities and BBSs.

So without droning on, if you're okay with sharing some on your most enjoyable experiences on the web I'd love to hear them. It could be anything really, internet drama, mods being dicks, flames, whatever precious to you.


A curious bored loser who has no business here.

2 Name: ticks●DTNUV4cBL6 : 2014-03-14 15:02 ID:hdYzxE4o [Del]

I managed to take on a variety of internet personas/nick names/identities over the years and no one has been able to connect the dots.

That's about all I've done.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-03-14 16:11 ID:Heaven [Del]

The only reason the internet support more then 100'000'000 people is because of the NSA and tax money that build all the social networks and other shit. Then they shout at theme for taking there rights but we all know they dont even whould do anything becacus they are so [something]. I feel sad for theme that they don't deserve/get the credits that they should have/deserve for making the internet what is is. A depiction(shadow play) of real life human social interaction(where the is some times some snece hof invisibility and invincible(some how?)).

4 Name: Anonymous : 2014-03-15 01:23 ID:SZP5RrYK [Del]

i don't have memorable moments. i tend to avoid situations that can create memorable moments.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2014-03-18 07:22 ID:zMjYxfyN [Del]

We're reaching this point at which communication isn't the primary use of the Internet anymore. In the day, IRC was the shit. We tied up phone lines for hours doing that and little else. Now it's all Netflix, games, and porn in no particular order. The Internet is becoming a passive thing, a utility in our lives, just another convenience wired into our houses.

Today's kids are being corralled by social media, their parents, and the law. They aren't let loose in the wild anymore to be felt up by virtual strangers in the digital darkness. Everything they say is censored one way or another, if not by mods (automated or otherwise), then by SJWs, or by their own initiative knowing full well their parents or worse could find out their actual thoughts and feelings.

Once I might have said that there is hope, but we're also reaching a point at which the devices with which the Internet is accessed are completely removed from the actual infrastructure. How the fuck do you code anything on a phone? There is hope yet, I suppose. Some of you still have keyboards and aren't tied to an app store. Maybe you can make it happen.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-28 02:47 ID:HhNY5QJf [Del]

several thousand ppl think aim a very cute girl and jerk off to me even though in real irl i am an astonishing handsome man

7 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-28 06:16 ID:nOIHq7t2 [Del]

I've had my memories surgically taken out a couple of years ago

8 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-28 12:14 ID:hCucJnTM [Del]

>>7 is >>4 though he may not remember it now.

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