Oxford comma (6)

1 Name: ticks!DTNUV4cBL6 : 2013-10-14 15:47 ID:Ar8Fi4hd [Del]

Let's discuss the Oxford comma. Do you use it? If so, why? On the contrary, if you don't, why not?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-15 09:57 ID:JtO5ZUBL [Del]

You are obvious a troll because the real definition for this is "Serial comma".

Here are my arguments for this:

Here are my arguments against this type:

  1. Use of the comma is inconsistent with conventional practice.[13]
  2. The comma may introduce ambiguity (see argument #3 and examples below).
  3. It is redundant in a simple list, because the and or the or is often meant to serve (by itself) to mark the logical separation between the final two items,[14] unless the final two items are not truly separate items but are two parts of a compound single item.
  4. Where space is at a premium, the comma adds unnecessary bulk to the text.

NOTE:I did not read the arguments against this, because it is obvious who is wining.

Final:As you can see, the conclusion to this topic is very much that you should not use this and OP is a troll.
Nothing more needs to be done. No need to tank me, I am allways here for you, ladies. grrrr

3 Name: The Virg : 2013-10-15 22:15 ID:wvmlA2K/ [Del]

Maybe if i'm writing something to be read aloud (never happens) or an academic paper (seldom), but if it's just for communication on the internet, I tend to go for minimal punctuation as excess could slow the eye.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-16 01:20 ID:JtO5ZUBL [Del]

"excess could slow the eye"
Source? Source? Source? No? = 0% true

5 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-27 05:54 ID:wvmlA2K/ [Del]


6 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-27 08:36 ID:sDHQMjls [Del]

What are you trying to say, women?
I don't think that is a English word. You know, at least you can say one English words. But of course you could not. I come here every day just to have a English conversation. But then stupid people like you, do not even know how to turn on one personal computer, ruins everything I putted in to this website. Do you know even who I am? What are you? Tell me, that's right. You are nothing! Stay that way, that is best for all. This is right now your face:
NOTE:Asian eyes
You fucking piece of shit, go back to your Japanese country and stay there. There are no weaboo here that wants to talk to you. Fuck off jp people!
This is original, by white for white people.

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