admin request thread (16, permasaged)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2012-10-27 10:43 ID:u4spfSsr [Del]

klang culd u pls link to this wiki on ur wiki lol

its for the irc channel and r very rich culture

2 Name: Tokiko!JMyMsELF.U : 2012-10-27 14:57 ID:Heaven [Del]

wow cool page

3 Name: Anonymous : 2012-10-27 19:08 ID:u4spfSsr [Del]


i know its liek the best it totaly reflects r RICH culutre xD

4 Name: Tokiko!JMyMsELF.U : 2012-10-28 13:31 ID:Heaven [Del]

hey kevin give me a capcode

5 Name: TheShadowFog!WuvOsumF7w : 2012-10-28 19:10 ID:u4spfSsr [Del]


me too pls

6 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-10-29 11:29 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>1 Your wiki has no content.

>>4-5 If you want a custom capcode, you're missing an important part of the request. Do I have to be creative for you? You don't want me to be creative for you...

7 Name: TheShadowFog!WuvOsumF7w : 2012-10-29 16:30 ID:u4spfSsr [Del]

But it will have content. SOON!

>Do I have to be creative for you? You don't want me to be creative for you.

Make mine: :D :D :D :D

8 Name: Mr. Bradeli!tRiPfAGSxc!!uuhb3M77 : 2012-10-29 18:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

I request a bigger threadlist. Makes this place look a lot more active somehow.

9 Name: TheShadowFog!WuvOsumF7w : 2012-10-29 19:05 ID:u4spfSsr [Del]


Also why did you permasage this?

10 Name: Mr. Bradeli!tRiPfAGSxc!!uuhb3M77 : 2012-10-29 21:53 ID:Heaven [Del]

He really hates large thread lists.

11 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-10-30 09:50 ID:Heaven [Del]

I'm a cruel and unstable dictator.

12 Name: TheShadowFog● :D :D :D :D : 2012-10-30 15:40 ID:Heaven [Del]


Oh. Ok. Had a feeling.

13 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-10-30 20:10 ID:Heaven [Del]

Do you not see what I did for you? Show your appreciation!

14 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-10-30 20:13 ID:Heaven [Del]

Why am I not being showered with praise? and gifts!

15 Name: TheShadowFog● :D :D :D :D : 2012-10-31 09:52 ID:Heaven [Del]


Oh! Now I do! You are an amazing admin!

16 Name: te feeler : 2012-12-03 18:14 ID:3KbRONuv [Del]

ban YKW : the ender of faith and bringer of terror. Deep in the cosmic log, every word anD Synthesis is as unoriginal -- uninterruptable, unforgivable -- as the lsat ,/ And yet NO LESS IMPORTANT \.

The Game has begun, the Rules have been made public, the Players are You and I ^^^ Some Play To Win vvv oTHERS pLAY tO lOSE ^^^ Your fate has been predetermined and time is not the creation of new memories "but the recreation of old"

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