Tokiko Apurreciation Thread (22)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-04 18:56 ID:7kM4bHQY [Del]

In this thread, we show our apurreciation for Tokiko and all his wonderful antics.

Please refrain from shitposting, insulting or being rude in general in this thread. Consider using this instead, please.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-04 23:34 ID:Heaven [Del]


Nice try tokiko.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-05 02:16 ID:Heaven [Del]

I don't have any strong feelings for or against Tokiko and have trouble distinguishing their posts from anonymous posts. This is a generally a good quality for people who use names/tripcodes in image or textboards which have a strong culture of anonymity. It seems I'm pretty much alone in this though.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-05 03:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

I can always tell when he posts anonymously or under a name - even if he tries to alter his speech. It's kind of funny.

5 Name: Mr. Bradeli!tRiPfAGSxc!!uuhb3M77 : 2012-08-05 13:53 ID:Heaven [Del]

I don't understand what's happening here. Who's Tokiko?

6 Name: Tokiko!IP.OM4DORU : 2012-08-06 05:01 ID:QMJFcTKK [Del]

I'm Tokiko. If you have anything you'd like to ask me, please send an email to the address linked. I'd rather not attention whore here... 0037, if you could, would you permasage or delete this thread? I don't know what makes a topic "world2ch-related" or not, but this thread disagrees with me. Whether you respect my request or not is, of course, completely your decision, but I feel I should say something.

It's really not that hard for me to mix up my writing style. While it may seem I have a unique tone or certain tendencies, such as favoring one sentence structure over another, preferring one word over the next, or even quoting in a ``novel way," let me remind you that when I write, I put thought into every keystroke. When I don't wish to be "called out," my style will change easily and without effort.

Only about 5% of the posts here mentioning Tokiko as a response to an Anonymous post correctly identify me as the author of said post. On DQN this number is closer to 80%, but that's really saying hardly anything at all as I make about one third of DQN's posts in a given day.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-06 07:41 ID:Heaven [Del]

Isn't he a bot someone made (in Ruby) that takes random passages of text and posts them across various internet communities?

8 Name: Tokiko!IP.OM4DORU : 2012-08-06 08:08 ID:Heaven [Del]

I most certainly am not.

Why are you saying this kind of thing?

9 Name: Tokiko!IP.OM4DORU : 2012-08-06 10:29 ID:Heaven [Del]

i'm "in"

10 Name: Mr. Bradeli!tRiPfAGSxc!!uuhb3M77 : 2012-08-06 11:09 ID:Heaven [Del]

I do not understand this at all. Why did you ruin such a fun board Tokiko? Why?

11 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-06 16:26 ID:QQlfV3l0 [Del]

What are you inside of?

12 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-08 02:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

He's been here since the beginning.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-08 09:06 ID:Heaven [Del]

Maybe this reincarnation of world2ch; he was practically in the womb when the first one was around.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-09 15:59 ID:Heaven [Del]

No one was talking about the old one. It's impossible to ruin a board when you weren't even around to see it.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-10 09:20 ID:Heaven [Del]

Tokiko was the second person on world2ch after 0037.

This is why he is a board moderator and the administrator of the IRC channel.

16 Name: Mr. Bradeli!tRiPfAGSxc!!uuhb3M77 : 2012-08-10 22:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

Klang is 0037? Who am I?

17 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-25 06:50 ID:R+KKcCAk [Del]

Which IRC channels can I meet Tokiko in?

18 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-25 06:52 ID:F44ZtgvX [Del]

#tokiko on

19 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-25 13:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

please give a real site..

20 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-25 17:53 ID:Heaven [Del]

#tokiko on

21 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-28 15:10 ID:j8tHCidk [Del]

the channel that he is in you will find him

22 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-28 23:35 ID:Heaven [Del]

#tokiko on

he likes to use the nick "ticks" or "sprum" ; ticks represents his female hacker side, sprum represents his male gay side

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