Thank you! (12)

1 Name: orz if u plz : 2012-06-30 23:44 ID:Edwflr7O [Del]

I was introduced to world2ch through Something Awful Goons on the MMCafe BBS. I was already familiar with Japanese net culture, etc from fucking around with Bottlemail in college, but world2ch introduced me to mona, yaranaika, etc. I was so young and inexperienced...

I participated in the poetry/literature threads and general anime/video game shit. I used the name Nemo occasionally, but only used a tripcode in super long threads. I don't think I ever posted anything particularly insightful or worthwhile historically, sorry. Cave man art critic is my favorite thread of all time! I remember most of the names in the wiki. Lemur was a neckbeard faggot. There was also some guy named after one of the Haibane Renmai girls, Reki I think. He posted a lot in the anime section.

If Menchi/shii is reading this shit, I was part of the 4chan troll crew you riled up. I think it consisted of you, me, and maybe 1-2 other dudes. It was fun shitting up 4chan for a couple of days but then I read that moot was having a "frenzied crygasm" about us throwing shit all over his precious baby and into it's mouth... I ended up donating and sending him an apology of sorts. So sorry, trolls remorse, Shii/menchi you really are a pedo faggot, etc.

I still lurk and donate when things are rough to keep anonymous culture alive... (4-ch lol) but I'm pretty bad about actually posting, sorry. I'm super happy there's an anonymous culture that exists outside Japan and support it when I can/it's not teenage activist clusterfucks, but the USA Anonymous thing....just not my thing because I guess I'm too old now. I will still support it to my dying breath because VIPPER for life or whatever.

Thank you again. Really brought back some good memories. And yeah, I'm drunk.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-01 01:26 ID:L+z1L6a2 [Del]

>I don't think I ever posted anything particularly insightful or worthwhile historically, sorry.

You're not alone.

>And yeah, I'm drunk.

Also, probably not alone.

3 Name: bump : 2012-07-01 11:49 ID:ABd35SaG [Del]


4 Name: !H8Ydn/wg3g : 2012-07-01 15:32 ID:Heaven [Del]

orz if u plz
yeah, thanks to dramabomb.txt i remembered one of my old tripcodes H8Ydn/wg3g

5 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-01 20:48 ID:CYSZfJMB [Del]

Daily reminder that Shii is now fulfilling his pedophile dream of teaching little Japanese schoolgirls.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-01 23:02 ID:eZZDV5D+ [Del]

Thank you, I nearly forgot.

7 Name: Tokiko : 2012-07-02 06:28 ID:V9sVt76M [Del] <-- Shii has some cool books here now

8 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-13 01:24 ID:AHRb3uBc [Del]

this thread stinks of mustard gas and roses. actually this whole fucking board does.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-13 18:20 ID:fGgqtOqw [Del]

I thought it smelt more of Chrysanthemums than Roses myself.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-14 08:03 ID:Heaven [Del]

Herpes medicine and cheap beer.

11 Name: grey!C.MxxuCiTo : 2012-07-14 14:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

I feel bad that I never got on any textboards when I was a kid. I was 13 in 2003 and 4chan was pretty much just a porn site to me. I didn't figure out how to post until mid 2004.

12 Name: Mr. Bradeli!tRiPfAGSxc!!uuhb3M77 : 2012-07-16 10:59 ID:Heaven [Del]


>4chan was just a porn site to me

Yeah, looking back I remember discovering 4chan a few years before I actually "discovered" it while looking for Inuyasha hentai in 2004. I couldn't put together what the site was supposed to be in my middle school western forum oriented mind, so I just ignored it for 2-3 years and didn't bother coming back until 2006 or 2007.

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