1 Name: moot!Ep8pui8Vw2 : 2012-06-08 13:18 ID:Heaven [Del]


2 Name: moot!Ep8pui8Vw2 : 2012-06-08 13:34 ID:Heaven [Del]

Tokiko is really one of the shittiest posters of all time. He's even worse than posters who openly violate the rules, since their posts are deleted and repeat offenders eventually banned, but just being a fucking awful poster is unfortunately not against the (enforced) rules and so we can't be rid of his shit.

When he first got here he didn't know shit about shit, but that didn't stop him from telling everybody how things worked around here, and of course he'd be completely fucking wrong and when corrected he'd just spout off some shit about textboards. Eventually people stopped correcting him because it wouldn't actually cause him to shut the fuck up; he'd just continue to spout off insufferable shit except you couldn't call him out on being wrong anymore. It continues even today, he learns some shit that everybody fucking knows and then he makes a thread with his vapid opinion about it to demonstrate that he's a real member of the /jp/ crew.

Somehow because nobody bothers to flame him for being a retard anymore, he somehow became under the impression that more people on /jp/ like him than detest him which would be funny if he weren't shitting up the board to such a degree. It's pretty much the case that everything he touches turns to shit. What probably takes the cake is his anonymous shitposting. Every time I see a retarded thread which I would normally dismiss out of hand and ignore, I'm overwhelmed with a feeling of dread since I don't know whether the thread is shit because OP was genuinely retarded or whether it's just Tokiko shitposting for fun.

3 Name: moot!Ep8pui8Vw2 : 2012-06-08 13:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

4 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-06-09 01:38 ID:Heaven [Del]

He created a brand name for himself by upsetting nerds. It's an interesting case study in marketing.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-09 17:09 ID:Heaven [Del]

he's still a faget.

6 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-06-09 18:14 ID:Heaven [Del]

but you know who he is... see what I'm saying?

7 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-12 03:15 ID:ek6zBlHd [Del]

NSJ fuck off with your spoilers You'll never get my tacos Japanese cat playing the banjo congrats on the marriage Please respond Tokiko Robert Brown Archduke James Astoria, OR Moe!TRON Reported.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2012-09-25 19:59 ID:+sEMwZ8k [Del]

Bumping so no one forgets.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2012-09-26 06:10 ID:Heaven [Del]

Comments like these are entirely out of line. Sure he sucked my dick, but I still consider our relationship entirely platonic.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2012-09-26 13:39 ID:Heaven [Del]

Guy was a faggot. He couldn't even get into FYAD.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2012-09-28 12:29 ID:Heaven [Del]

why did i create this thread

12 Name: Anonymous : 2012-09-30 08:48 ID:Heaven [Del]

why do i visit this board

13 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-10-01 11:59 ID:Heaven [Del]

why did i create this board

14 Name: Anonymous : 2016-06-26 18:54 ID:JOhqUeld [Del]

15 Name: Anonymous : 2016-06-26 19:13 ID:D4NjD9q9 [Del]

Someone made that.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2016-06-27 04:15 ID:Heaven [Del]

Thank you for this quick but thorough observation.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-01 23:03 ID:WFBzQLVR [Del]

This thread is a shill

18 Name: Anonymous : 2017-01-08 13:08 ID:RTxe+784 [Del]


19 Name: tokiko!5yOaZrqx.c : 2017-01-08 15:10 ID:PiHRwIYy [Del]

it's true. i'm gay. i just came back from sucking dicks at a gloryhole

20 Name: Anonymous : 2017-01-08 18:56 ID:rVN0+Bdq [Del]

he rents that gloryhole.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2017-01-09 07:32 ID:DLbOFn2W [Del]

Pays way too much for it.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2017-01-10 04:44 ID:gLharzi4 [Del]

Spends so much time in there he can't sleep unless it's on a urine-soaked tile floor.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2017-01-27 20:32 ID:6YwqM3SG [Del]

Tokiko... why?

24 Name: Anonymous : 2017-02-04 10:02 ID:3ghY1cZ4 [Del]

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