my writing tends to have some... OCD quirks... that make it stand out...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Flying out tomorrow. Remember to feed my fish!
i'm >>846 in that thread. see how there's two spaces after my period ... and these elipses? i type like this cuz i'm an old man
ITT we learn about the mystical operator known as the `comma'
<~Jkid> ...and in other related news Archduke acts like a bratty boy teen from Beyond Scared Straight.
Hello, I am Archduke and I sometimes poop my pants.
Fuck you fagstorm.
thats not an ellipsis you fucktard, thats three dots.
this is an ellipsis…
Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Don't you know I run things around here you little bitch?
WHOA! WHAO! AHOW! Easy there sailor!
Heh. I didn't catch it. But you ruined all advice DQN could ever give me about choosing a major. Oh no~
Why is JKid even fucking alive?