The Yotsuba Society wiki, now restoring wikichan. (92)

1 Name: Jkid!L8qRJlW3g2 : 2012-01-09 14:47 ID:jOL9I5Nn [Del]

Currently I got 30% of the articles from the old wikichan restored. It's mostly text but take a look see.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-10 09:14 ID:FVp75fpi [Del]

Taht's grate.

3 Name: Dr Hans Asperger : 2012-01-10 12:30 ID:Heaven [Del]

Get lost Jkid.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-10 21:13 ID:0fO97jj7 [Del]


5 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-11 11:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

I swear to god, I should just set up something like this on my own so Jkid can't inflate his ego any further.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-16 14:46 ID:Heaven [Del]


Can I join you? We could write a book together.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-18 00:29 ID:xhmzAk+s [Del]

8 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-18 00:34 ID:Y5LnI4Ce [Del]

You know, I've always wanted to write some kind of book on this phenomena. Crazy how it suddenly exploded in the west with 4chan. It would be nice to have an objective history and analysis of the culture...

9 Name: !/kYaUTGETs : 2012-01-18 01:35 ID:xhmzAk+s [Del]

"A look at anonymous forums"

Chapter 1: Background, terminology, relevance
Chapters 2-5: Japanese Anonymous forums (SJIS, notable work, Train Man, 2chan)
Chapter 6: World2ch 1
Chapter 7: Something Awful and Raspberry Heaven
Chapters 8-12: 4chan memes, culture, "Anonymous", history, and events
Chapter 13: Other English anonymous forums
Chapter 14: Future
Appendices: Resources, setting up your own board, surviving on an anonymous board, recommended links and IRC channels, dedications

You can always work on it on Tanasinn's wiki, V-Q's wiki, or 0037's if he gave you permission. I'm sure Shii wouldn't mind helping. I would enjoy helping on something like this or reading it myself.

10 Name: TheShadowFog!WuvOsumF7w : 2012-01-19 12:03 ID:0fO97jj7 [Del]


I could help... |_|

11 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-19 17:29 ID:tMhUOiJO [Del]

12 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-19 17:46 ID:1MNetFWx [Del]

I wish I could kill that guy's mother.

13 Name: TheShadowFog!WuvOsumF7w : 2012-01-19 19:06 ID:0fO97jj7 [Del]

That's a little harsh.

But yes. I agree. It's disgusting.
We need to write are own.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-19 20:03 ID:Heaven [Del]


15 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-19 20:19 ID:Heaven [Del]

Oh shut up. This isn't /jp/ you prick.

16 Name: TheShadowFog!WuvOsumF7w : 2012-01-19 21:19 ID:0fO97jj7 [Del]

What did I do?

17 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-19 21:20 ID:1MNetFWx [Del]

Don't worry dude, I've got your back. And buttocks.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-19 21:25 ID:NCax5k9c [Del]

fun fact: that book is being used in a university's class in new york city. thids her class

19 Name: TheShadowFog!WuvOsumF7w : 2012-01-19 22:10 ID:0fO97jj7 [Del]

20 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-24 19:49 ID:Heaven [Del]


21 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-25 03:50 ID:Heaven [Del]

Reported for reporting.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-27 02:45 ID:Heaven [Del]

Reported for Illegal Content.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-27 05:23 ID:Heaven [Del]

Reported for being so sexy that you send shivers down my spine.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-03 12:28 ID:Heaven [Del]

Oh you are making blush

25 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-04 08:20 ID:Heaven [Del]


>making blush

Is that like making fuck?

26 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-18 20:58 ID:v5xAni5m [Del]

oh lord WHAT.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-18 21:16 ID:Heaven [Del]

Overview of my Research on Hackers

MY RESEARCH on Hackers


28 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-22 11:17 ID:Heaven [Del]

Reported for autism

29 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-22 11:41 ID:Heaven [Del]

Reported for posting.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-22 12:39 ID:Heaven [Del]

Not if I report YOU first!

31 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-22 14:51 ID:Heaven [Del]

I reported you ALREADY!

32 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-29 11:11 ID:KNSrNdYr [Del]

WikiChan should remain dead. > WikiChan

33 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-01 03:43 ID:UBqUP6vw [Del]

everyone hates jkid so much that i find myself liking him

34 Name: TheShadowFog!WuvOsumF7w : 2012-03-01 10:44 ID:0fO97jj7 [Del]

Jkid is awesome.

35 Name: Jkid!L8qRJlW3g2 : 2012-03-01 12:01 ID:Heaven [Del]

I like sucking cock.

36 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-01 14:29 ID:Heaven [Del]

So much FALE in one post. It's incredible.

37 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-02 00:22 ID:Heaven [Del]

38 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-02 00:53 ID:Heaven [Del]


39 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-02 05:36 ID:Heaven [Del]


40 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-07 11:40 ID:NoJkrYJ6 [Del]

Sort of like rooting for the underdog?

41 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-07 12:31 ID:0fO97jj7 [Del]


42 Name: Jkid(also probably not Jkid) : 2012-04-04 09:25 ID:gvrsIPtW [Del]

Now we are 50% complete with the restoration and have more pages than the old wikichan.

43 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-04 15:38 ID:Heaven [Del]

Make sure you archive all the places on the internet that show how much of a faggot you are, JKid.

44 Name: !gLMbaxlyfg : 2012-04-05 08:15 ID:0fO97jj7 [Del]

What's wrong with you man?

Why are you so butthurt?

45 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-07 06:49 ID:+CeCyV8g [Del]

>>44 why you SO MAD!!! bro

46 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-07 15:20 ID:Heaven [Del]

Why are you so foggy, the shadow?

47 Name: TheShadowFog!WuvOsumF7w : 2012-04-08 12:20 ID:Heaven [Del]


48 Name: Jkid(also probably not Jkid) : 2012-04-14 09:43 ID:R9c5jzuw [Del]

At this point we are basically done with the restoration.

49 Name: ROBERT_DOE!zSXxoOezYY : 2012-04-20 06:50 ID:X9pNkUmh [Del]


Your wiki is a fucking joke. Please explain these articles like these to me and tell me how they are relevant to your little project: (relevant to imageboards, but you're only using the article to out your personal vendetta against him) (also arguably relevant, but you assume familiarity with the subject and thus the article becomes nonsense to most people who are seeking to "study imageboard culture")!!

This is what I found after approximately 15 minutes of hitting the Random Page button. The pages I didn't list are mostly copypasta pages, which are ridiculously stupid, and stubs, most of which contain nothing more than "The X board is where people on Y talk about X". I found no articles that show sign of proper research and credibility. More than often, the facts you've put on your website are pulled straight out of your arse. You may as well be the Goatse guy's black brother.

50 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-20 07:02 ID:q5WlVsBw [Del]

why are you even acknowledging jkid, he's a autistic weeaboo nigger.

51 Name: ROBERT_DOE!zSXxoOezYY : 2012-04-20 07:06 ID:X9pNkUmh [Del]


He's probably going to reply to my post with "STOP HARASSING ME" or out me as a racist who hates autistic people and anime.

Alternatively, he may not reply at all and pretend that everyone loves him and his "efforts".

52 Name: Tokiko is an!S6JidiotOk : 2012-04-20 08:48 ID:Heaven [Del]

Go back to leetchan, please. Thanks. Don't contaminate this textboard with your posts.

  • Not Jkid.

53 Name: ROBERT_DOE!zSXxoOezYY : 2012-04-20 14:39 ID:Jqh8HmWX [Del]

Was there anything wrong with my posts? Or do you just dislike me for whatever reason?

54 Post deleted by user.

55 Name: I!np7wkSLOVE : 2012-04-20 18:36 ID:0fO97jj7 [Del]

What's wrong with jkid? He likes archiving? Is that bad?

56 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-20 20:46 ID:/C0UX8sg [Del]

i think that if this board doesn't want to drown in a sea of jkid related drama the powers that be should pick on side of the debate and delete all posts by people who disagree.
then discussion of the topic will end

also i like jkid, he is a cool guy who is white

57 Name: I Love!you3zyVK/M : 2012-04-20 22:02 ID:0fO97jj7 [Del]

I'm deleting muh posts.

58 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-21 06:15 ID:Heaven [Del]

your own inability to connect those topics to jkid's area of interest is more of a reflection on your own noob status rather than reflection on the content itself.
as an old pro i can identify at least tertiary if not direct connections with almost all of the topics you selected to link to, so, as it always is, any question you might ask can be answered with the suggestion that you press z or r twice.

59 Post deleted by user.

60 Name: ROBERT_DOE!zSXxoOezYY : 2012-04-21 09:07 ID:TqhQCGc+ [Del]


In short, blackmail, stealing content and making money off of it, drawing the "I'm black/I have Asperger's" card whenever someone criticises him or "his" "work", etc. He also believes he's a really important person: see

That's a nice idea. Shutting out others' opinion is a sure way of winning an argument.

There's little to no connection in most of the articles I linked to. Articles about Rozen Maiden characters and video games are certainly not justified on an "Imageboard Culture encyclopedia", unless it's about a meme or similar.

The funny thing is that Know Your Meme is much more accurate and on-topic than Jkid's wiki will ever be. Why hasn't he admitted himself to a mental institution yet, so he can become a productive member of society rather than a leech who sits at home 24/7 and writes shitty articles about topics he can only claim to be an expert on?

61 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-21 16:41 ID:Heaven [Del]

yeah jkid is a badass, punk rock as all fuck.
you can't stop the kids from rocking you square old loser.

62 Name: I!np7wkSLOVE : 2012-04-22 00:00 ID:0fO97jj7 [Del]

>Know Your Meme


63 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-22 11:03 ID:PpSkXJAC [Del]

I can't think of many things more related to western BBS history than Rozen Maiden desu.

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64 Name: ROBERT_DOE!zSXxoOezYY : 2012-04-25 16:39 ID:X9pNkUmh [Del]

Now here's a little kicker.

According to Jkid, socialism was invented by Karl Marx in the 1940s (also archived here, because we know that Jkid likes to cover his tracks). Need I really say more? If Jkid misinterprets and gets well-documented events such as the history of communism wrong, just imagine how chock-full of errors his articles on ``imageboard culture'' are.

65 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-04-25 16:44 ID:M8Ti8Kki [Del]


Jesus. Stop nitpicking. Just let it go.

66 Name: ROBERT_DOE!zSXxoOezYY : 2012-04-25 16:47 ID:X9pNkUmh [Del]

Oh, and what's even funnier is that Jkid is studying/has studied political science:

67 Name: ROBERT_DOE!zSXxoOezYY : 2012-04-25 16:47 ID:X9pNkUmh [Del]

I will not pardon Jkid for his crimes towards humanity.

68 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-04-25 16:52 ID:M8Ti8Kki [Del]

AHAHAHAHFGHA@*H I actually heard that woman speak once. I came out of it more pro-choice than I was going in. She's just mean-spirited and nasty (probably got it from her father's side!).

69 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-25 16:53 ID:O7/g0nad [Del]

ok, i read robert's evidence and i think jkid should shut down his site. its better that people are uninformed than misinformed, which is they will get if they believe jkid's wiki.

70 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-04-25 16:59 ID:M8Ti8Kki [Del]

Your ID very nearly has gonad in it... and now it does!

71 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-26 05:58 ID:fagg0t/ [Del]

Put fagg0t in my ID, right now!

72 Name: !Wb0VYQHX5M : 2012-04-26 13:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

Is that even possible?

73 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-04-26 13:34 ID:M8Ti8Kki [Del]

The sky is the limit! You can do anything in life! You're only limited by your intelligence, motivation, budget, ethnic background, foot size, local availability of batteries, stamina, the amount of protein in your diet, eyesight, body odor, ability to play golf, and fifty-three other minor contributing factors!

74 Name: tokiko!/kYaUTGETs : 2012-04-26 18:27 ID:cTPNcW1e [Del]

i dont trust 0037

75 Name: Tokiko!/kYaUTGETs : 2012-04-27 14:42 ID:Heaven [Del]

Jeepers! My butt sure is sore! I wonder if it's from all that unprotected anal sex I have at that truck stop? I wonder~

76 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-10-05 07:18 ID:8WP+29UJ [Del]

An open letter to Jkid (part 1):

What the fuck, man? Why isn't your site working? You're not setting a good example for the team, here. You need to get your act together right now. Why don't you at least have a front page with links to your past articles? How hard is this? You don't need to have scripts to make this happen. When in doubt, apply duct tape:

  • Make a stylesheet
  • Make a front page with links
  • Put each article into its own file, format the text, & provide a back link
  • Provide links on the front page

This should take you thirty minutes or less and you'd have at least an excuse for a site rather than a broken mess. Once this is done, we need to address a few core issues...

77 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-10-05 07:29 ID:8WP+29UJ [Del]

(part 2)

  • What exactly are you doing with your time?

If your enemies are to be believed, then you're stalking jerks on the Internet. I don't know what it is you're doing with your time, but DAMN, do something and do it now.

  • Why oh why oh why do you have such shitty hosting?

If it doesn't work, why are you paying for it? There are plenty of low-cost solutions out there that provide far more functionality than you have right now.

  • And lastly, consider reducing the scope of your project.

I don't think the world needs a huge wiki full of information already available in the various clones of ED. We sure as shit don't need PILE O' IMAGES, THE SITE. A few key collections might be fun, but stick to the notion that maybe less is more.

Honestly, I'd rather see more research into the distant past rather than things that happened post-2008. With that in mind, you might do well to lay off mentioning that you came into our world in 2008. In fact, pretty much stop name-dropping yourself because it turns out few people like you. Perhaps it would be best if you just hid behind the brand name...

78 Name: 0037◆A0z7CY5eG2 : 2012-10-05 08:29 ID:Heaven [Del]

I'm not sure why I wrote this...

79 Name: Mr. Bradeli!tRiPfAGSxc!!uuhb3M77 : 2012-10-05 10:46 ID:Heaven [Del]

Yeah, he's kind of a lost cause. I've reached out before, but it became clear to me that he really only cared about being chan-famous, whatever that means.

80 Name: Anonymous : 2012-10-05 12:24 ID:Heaven [Del]

He is that (to the least possible degree), for all the wrong reasons.

As for his administration of the Yotsuba Society:

  • He is the worst front man imaginable and lacks any sense of charisma or even internal motivation.
  • He is absolutely not a team player and cannot effectively delegate authority.
  • It is clear that he is completely incompetent in all technical matters related to the position he created for himself.
  • Due to his incompetence and inability to form a team this project has failed.

For once in your life Jkid, you must understand that this is your fault. It is not your disability that has killed what amounts to a simple blog and photo gallery. Quadriplegics can do this. Why can't you?

81 Post deleted by moderator.

82 Name: Jkid!MoQnyGB0xU : 2012-11-18 10:04 ID:7yKJ3kCB [Del]

After six months of bullshit and cockups, we're back. Although, slowly...

83 Name: Anonymous : 2012-11-18 12:53 ID:1Rp7DB3a [Del]

Please go back down again - thanks!

84 Name: Jkid!MoQnyGB0xU : 2012-11-18 14:55 ID:7yKJ3kCB [Del]

That's not going to happen anytime soon...

85 Name: Anonymous : 2012-11-18 19:09 ID:Heaven [Del]


86 Name: TheShadowFog● :D :D :D :D : 2012-11-19 10:20 ID:0fO97jj7 [Del]


:3 I like you jkid.

87 Name: Anonymous : 2012-11-19 10:51 ID:Heaven [Del]

jkid is a cave nigger

88 Name: TheShadowFog● :D :D :D :D : 2012-11-19 17:55 ID:Heaven [Del]



89 Name: Jkid!MoQnyGB0xU : 2013-01-23 22:18 ID:mlCcgsdH [Del]

Oh hi folks: regarding our hibernation

90 Name: Anonymous : 2013-02-02 00:50 ID:7fd1D4a3 [Del]

Are you seriously implying that the problem with 4chan is a lack of moderation? Sir, you're fucking mad.

91 Name: Anonymous : 2013-02-02 05:24 ID:Heaven [Del]

No, he's just really stupid.

92 Name: Anonymous : 2013-02-07 12:38 ID:pbf2PJmI [Del]

We're all mad here.

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